
More configuration information coming soon.

For now, see the well commented default config distributed with alopex or read about the command strings below

Configuration Table of Contents:

Resource Databases

General Settings






Window Rules

Key Bindings



Alopex commands are made up of strings of words.

Each word is a string of non-whitespace characters that represents a single action. A word can specify an optional target window, an action, and any optional parameters for that action.

Target windows are specified by starting the word with a w followed by a number from 0 to 9 to specify a marked window. In the absence of a targetted window, the currently focused client is used as a default target. Some actions will behave differently if provided with the focused window as a target or provided no explicit target (e.g., see tag actions). A w1 followed by an action and w followed by the action are equivalent: they specify the currently focused window as an explicit target.

Display: set/reset margins or focus a specified monitor

Sets the margins to the numbers specified for a margin on the top,bottom,left,right
Focuses the monitor specified (counting starts from 1)

Focus: sets focus to a client window

Focuses the window at the specified mark number
fh fj fk fl
Focuses the first,next,previous,last window currently displayed

Move: Move a window in the stack

w#mb w#ma
Moves the focused window relative to the window at the specified mark, moves focused window before or after the marked window
mh mj mk ml
Moves the focused window to the top,up,down,bottom of the client stack

Tag: Control tag display and window occupancy

w#tx# w#tt# w#ta# w#tr#
Modify the tag placement of the specified window to be exclusive,toggle,add,remove the specified tag number
tx# tt# ta# tr#
Modify the tag visibility to exclusive,toggle,add,remove the specified tag number to the current monitor

Layout: Select a tiling layout

lr lb lm lx
Select rstack, bstack, monocle, or cycle through modes

Quit: close the current client, or alopex itself

Close the focused client window
Exit alopex

View: Toggle views

Toggle between two alternative views (coming soon)

Mark: Mark the focused client window

Set the specified mark number to the currently focused client window

Congigurable Tile Options:

n# ni nd nr
Set the maximum number of clients for the current container to the specified numer, increase by one, decrease by one, or reset to the default setting
s# si sd sr
Set the monitor split value to the specified number, increase by one, decrease by one, or reset to the default setting
g# gi gd gr
Set the monitor gap to the specified number, increase by one, decrease by one, or reset to the default value.

Bar Options:

bs bh bx bt bb
Adjust the currently focused container bar to show, hide, toggle visibility, place on top, or place on bottom
bS bH bX bT bB
Adjust all bars to show, hide, toggle visibility, place on top, or place on bottom